Water Park Tarnowskie Termy

Project Informations

Project End Date: 2015

Location: Tarnowo Podgórne, Poland

Project Scale: 1400 m2

Type of contract: Public Tender

About the Project

The Water Park Tarnowskie Termy is located in the Tarnowo Podgórne commune near Poznan. This object is drawing water from geothermal sources. Water is extracted from a well of a depth of 1200 meters, supplying water with a temperature of over 45.7 degrees Celsius.

Scope of Work

Project included the construction of rock decorations in the recreation area of the water park.As part of the investment, the following were built:

  • Artificial cave with a carved entrance in the form of a lion’s head
  • Grotto with a water curtain over a rushing river
  • Wall made of artificial rocks with towel trays
  • A carved bench with images of chameleons
  • Rock seats
  • Buildings of the slide
  • Masks for pool infrastructure
  • Implementation of artificial vegetation like palm trees, cacti, grasses

The total area of buildings with artificial rocks is 1,400 m2.