Our Services | Construction of Thematizations | sKalisty

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  • Budowa sztucznych skał podwodnych i raf koralowych
    Aquarium Decorations
    Aquarium arrangements construction of artificial coral reefs, underwater stones and artificial corals.
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    Construction of Thematization
    Artificial Rocks
    We offer a professional service for the construction of artificial rocks that faithfully imitate natural rock formations. The rocks we build are hand-formed from concrete, and their texture is a reproduction of natural stone. Concrete imitation rocks are durable and weatherproof, making them perfect for zoos, water parks, amusement parks and other public places. In addition, we also offer façades imitating natural stone, which are an ideal solution for those who want to get a natural look of their building.
  • Sztuczne drzewa naturalnych rozmiarów
    Construction of Thematization
    Artificial Trees
    Construction of artificial trees, faithfully reproducing natural trees in the smallest detail.
  • Groty i jaskinie ze sztucznego kamienia
    Construction of Thematization
    Artificial Grottos and Caves
    Artificial caves made of artificial stone on self-supporting structures or built into the object.
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    Construction of Thematization
    Sculptures and Reliefs
    Our offer includes making concrete sculptures and bas-reliefs of any form and theme. We specialize in creating artistic concrete creations that faithfully reproduce the details and textures of natural materials. Our sculptures and bas-reliefs are durable and resistant to weather conditions, making them ideal for outdoor use. In addition, we make architectural reproductions of objects from various historical eras in order to create unique and original decorations for our clients.
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    Design and Consulting Services
    For Design Agencies
    Projects for thematization of biotopes and interior design, as well as planning the technology of making decorations.
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    Design and Consulting Services
    For the Investor
    Artistic supervision of the implementation of the project, advice on investment planning from the early conceptual stages to implementation.